Weather of Europe |
Flag |
Country Name |
Continent |
Capital |
Sq KM |
Population |
| San Marino | Europe | San Marino | 61 | 31,477 |
| Serbia | Europe | Belgrade | 88,361 | 7,344,847 |
| Serbia and Montenegro | Europe | Belgrade | 102,350 | 10,829,175 |
| Slovakia | Europe | Bratislava | 48,845 | 5,455,000 |
| Slovenia | Europe | Ljubljana | 20,273 | 2,007,000 |
| Spain | Europe | Madrid | 504,782 | 46,505,963 |
| Svalbard | Europe | Longyearbyen | 62,049 | 2,550 |
| Sweden | Europe | Stockholm | 449,964 | 9,045,000 |
| Switzerland | Europe | Berne (Bern) | 41,290 | 7,581,000 |