Sunrise & Sunset at different places |
Flag |
Country Name |
Continent |
Sq KM |
Population |
Time Zone |
| Iceland | Europe | 103,000 | 308,910 | Atlantic - Reykjavik |
| India | Asia | 3,287,590 | 1,173,108,018 | Asia - Kolkata |
| Indonesia | Asia | 1,919,440 | 242,968,342 | |
| Iran | Asia | 1,648,000 | 76,923,300 | Asia - Tehran |
| Iraq | Asia | 437,072 | 29,671,605 | Asia - Baghdad |
| Ireland | Europe | 70,280 | 4,622,917 | Europe - Dublin |
| Isle of Man | Europe | 572 | 75,049 | Europe - Isle of Man |
| Israel | Asia | 20,770 | 7,353,985 | Asia - Jerusalem |
| Italy | Europe | 301,230 | 60,340,328 | Europe - Rome |